strategy &
What we do
We work in the fields of branding, design and communication
RCG is a unique resource for branding, strategic marketing communications, design, media/PR, and comprehensive communications solutions.
We have provided high-value communications solutions since 1973 for clients in varied industries — from emerging companies to Fortune 100s. We have met their needs through clear planning, creative concepts, incisive design, cogent writing, superior management, on-time and on-budget delivery. We have helped them increase their name recognition, brand equity, product or service sales and financial valuation.
Case Studies
How often have you sought a team of professionals who could truly serve all of your communication needs?
Who could handle a single project or implement an entire program? Who could not only produce, but also strengthen your marketing communications, enhance your public relations, upgrade your corporate communications, or focus your investor relations?
The logo and brand and “voice” mark your company or organization and define how it should be perceived. We do not impose a “design style” on our clients, but seek out the important attributes and unique personality of each client and design accordingly. The results are clear and compelling. Our branding programs are implemented across each client’s organization, as we illustrate in Case Studies. Our communications succeed — by design.
Marketing Collateral
Hard-working collateral supports a company at many levels, from strategic programs to individual product campaigns. Collateral is delivered through traditional channels to enhance websites, advertising programs, and media relations — as it builds the brand. With shrinking budgets and more noise in every channel, collateral’s role is greater than ever, and made more effective when used in concert with an integrated marketing communications program.
Website Design & Programming
The website communicates a company, its products and services to the world. It attracts new business and captures information from interested visitors. It should reflect the personality of the company or organization and allow visitors to navigate easily and comfortably. We provide full-service web development and maintenance with a proven track record of developing cost-effective websites in a range of markets.
Email Campaigns & Outreach
Communicating online for education, information, marketing or group involvement is the most effective and efficient means ever devised. Now you can talk to thousands of persons instantly with the click of a button, and at a low cost for distribution. The challenge is to know what to say, and how to say it, and how to frame it in a visual world. We help companies and organizations communicate effectively online.
Investor Communications
There are more good “stocks” in the marketplace than buyers. Sound company performance must be matched with sound communications to effectively tell a company’s story. We create investor communications to achieve clear objectives: fair valuation, broad investor support and ongoing investor confidence. Our experience has been earned through a wide range of clients. Our communications integrate with their overall program strategies.
Internal Communications
Winning cultures are built through effective internal communications programs — one of a company’s most important investments. The return on investment pays dividends that are measurable — employee retention and employee-generated productivity. Intangible benefits come from improved loyalty, sense of purpose and ownership. We help build “internal equity” through creative and informative internal communications that employees value and trust.
Advertising promotes a company’s brand awareness and increases consideration for its goods and services. Our campaigns target an incisive message to a specific audience for a desired effect. Our media team extends advertising investments through a combination of editorial and public relations programs. Our integrated consultancy benefits clients through careful design and repurposing of advertising for each medium — from print to electronic delivery.
Media Outreach
Skillful delivery of the right message to your core audiences via credible, influential news media outlets can make the critical difference in winning acceptance for your product, service, or position on an issue. Applying expert journalistic sensibility, we design and execute print, broadcast and online news media programs that build leadership, positioning, and active preference. Our capabilities include strategy and message development; custom media contact lists; press kit materials; white papers and bylined articles; media pitch-and-place efforts; news events; and press release development and distribution.
Representative clients
Some friends
we have made while
working together.
We have worked over many years with clients across multiple industries — from public utilities to public and private companies — large and small.

Representative Projects